Silent Communication

Scripture Reading - Hebrews 4:12-13 GW (God’s Word)

12 God's word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. God's word judges a person's thoughts and intentions.
13 No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him.

We all have been involved with communication since we were little children, actually right out of the womb. Yes, the little new born babies are involved in the process of communicating with their caretakers as soon as they are separated from their mother’s womb. There are many forms and methods of communicating using various sounds, eye movements, facial expressions and touch. Communication simply put is transmitting ideas, thoughts, opinions and beliefs to another person. We all are communicating in some form or another, whether it is expressed verbally or nonverbally. In today’s lesson we (ihlcc) will focus on “Silent Communication” which is primarily the “communication of thoughts”. It would seem that every person on the face on this earth has had a conversation with themselves at one time or another. The interesting thing with “Silent Communication” is that many people have no clue of what you are really speaking to yourself (inwardly thinking about). Some would say, “My own inner conversations are my own business so it really shouldn’t matter to anyone else”. We (ihlcc) would ask does your “anyone else” include God. The reason we are typing this article is because “Silent Communication” with yourself is just as important as your verbal communication with others. Why? You may ask, it is primarily because you are a spirit man. Yes, you are a spirit (just like God is a Spirit – refer to John 4:24) that has a soul and lives in a physical body. Therefore, your inner conversations are a direct reflection of the mind of your spirit. Yes, just like your conscience is the voice of your spirit the thoughts coming out of your spirit help articulate that voice. Your inner convictions will impact things and beings around you. What we are stating is that, “Inner conversation stems from spiritual beings and things speaking to your heart”. This is not science fiction but rather the Kingdom of God in manifestation. The Gracious God of the universe, our Heavenly Father, created you to be in constant fellowship with Him. Therefore, since He is a spirit the most efficient and direct way of common communication between you and Him is in the spiritual realm of your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself must be invited into your heart to set upon the throne of your kingdom to counsel you into becoming more like the Kingdom of God. You are created to speak with God, it really doesn’t matter if you speak out loud or quietly (inwardly) as a whisper He hears you. According to a paraphrase of 1 John 5:14,15 “If we ask for anything according to God’s Will we know that He hears us and with that hearing from God (The Lord) we know that He has granted our petition”. This is very comforting to know that all my inner words, thoughts, ideals, expressions and motives are all open before the Face of God in Heaven. This means it is futile to even entertain the notion (thought) that God doesn’t know you. Yes, God knows you better than you know yourself and even more importantly God’s knows His own faithful better than you even understand the word faithfulness. The problem that God has is when His beloved children listen to the evil one (the enemy of God and you, Satan) more than they listen to God. How can we listen more to the evil one?, by rehearsing the thoughts that are contrary to God’s Promises or totally against God’s Will for your life. The key is thinking upon God’s Word through meditation and pondering which is “Silent Communication” with God. The more you hear His Voice and gain His strength through being enlightened by the Glory of God’s Love the more you will be changed into the exact image (imagination) and likeness (replica, representation) of God. You are constantly transmitting your spiritual voice whether you realize it or not. Likewise, you are constantly receiving thoughts, words and ideals from things and beings around you. Yes, your sphere of influence does not start with your mouth it definitely starts from within. You are either going to be persuaded by your circumstances or your inner being (your heart and soul) is going to project the Kingdom of God upon your circumstances for the betterment of your life. You choose the “Silent Communication” path for your life the path does not choose you. Yes, you create your path through (starting with) the inner conversation you demonstrate during the course of your life. Dear Saint, for Christ sake keep your “Silent Communication” holy because even when you don’t realize it God is always listening specifically to your heart to answer your call (your prayers, your thoughts) in the Name of Jesus. Amen!